Parish FINANCE Council (PFC)

The Parish Finance Council of St. Thomas Aquinas consists of members of the parish who are canonically (Canon 537) charged with organizing the temporal goods of the parish for the implementation of parish programmes to accomplish the parish mission of bringing people to a closer relationship with Christ.  In the mission of the PFC, where it aids the Pastor in the administration of Parish goods with due diligence and oversight, it is responsible for oversight of the parish budget as well as its income and expenses to ensure long-term financial health of the parish.

The PFC consists of parishioners with varied skills and experience in the financial arena who serve staggered three-year terms ensuring continuity in mission.

Please feel free to contact members of the PFC with any questions regarding parish finances by emailing using the link below.

Meet the Council

  • Fr. Bryan Buenger

  • Mic Manlick

  • Steve Daigle

  • Nikki Arsement

  • Pamela Monzon

  • Tony Green

  • Robert Smriga

  • Rhonda Flanery